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Sunday, December 20, 2009
Simple php sample code for privent SQL injection attacts
if(isset($_POST["un"]) && isset($_POST["pw"])){
$username = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST["un"]);
$password = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST["pw"]);
$sql = "SELECT * FROM user WHERE id = '$username' AND name = '$password';";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
echo "you loged in....";
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Mysql with C sharp
string MyConnString = "SERVER=localhost;" + "DATABASE=database;" + "UID=root;" + "PASSWORD=passoword;";
MySqlConnection connection = newMySqlConnection(MyConnString);
MySqlCommand command = connection.CreateCommand();
MySqlDataReader Reader;
command.CommandText = "select * from tablename";
connection.Open(); Reader = command.ExecuteReader();
while (Reader.Read()) {
string row = "";
for (int i = 0; i <>
row += Reader.GetValue(i).ToString() + " , ";
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
How to execute php files without loading it
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
How to disable autorun in Windows XP
(Left Pane) Computerer Configuration ---> Administrative Templates ---> System
(Right Pane) Set "Turn off autoplay" to "Enabled"
Friday, October 23, 2009
Php function for search from a file
$t = my_strip("abc","xyz",$contents);
echo $t;
ntbfjkb n jABCjergnv
fvb j njrbn ntbfjkb n jegnb ef
g45yyyXYZtrgjrgbXYZk oi iABCyji oni jij
jergnv fvb j njrbn ntbfjkb n jegnb ef g45yyy
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
sample code for undestand php file handling functions
javascript mail validation (check)
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
3. Recommendation of DBMSs for some organizations
· Small boutique with 4 people accessing the system at most – Ms Office Access
Reasons: Ease of using. Better to select than selecting free DBMSs, because they are complex than Access and need skilled administrator for maintain. It may be costly. Access is simple and cheaper than Oracle and Ms SQL server, and have low hardware requirement than other DBMSs. Access can only use on windows
· Medium size organization with 5 branches and the HO in
Reasons: Ms SQL server much reliable than Ms Access and Ms Access can only maintain about 2GB user data, when Ms SQL server can handle much larger data. The organization maybe unable to spend much cost for have much featured DBMS which better than Ms SQL server low editions. In
· Large multi-national organization with 20 county sites and 500 people accessing the system – Oracle
Reasons: Much reliable than Ms SQL server over concurrent users (and high availability). It is well reputed, popular DBMS, and it is recommended to use Oracle for deployment of massive data warehouses. Can use on any OS, can connect to other DBMS, and have many features.
· High security governmental organization with 200 people accessing system – In house developed DBMS
Reasons: Using outsiders developed DBMS is not always secured. Because of the software developers of outside DBMS know the strengths and weaknesses of their DBMS. So perhaps there may have some possibilities of getting access the customer’s system by the outsiders. In this case having DBMS from the market is not suitable for high security governmental organization. Therefore develop a DBMS by using inside software developers, is the most secured option. However the inside software developers need to use unique data type or advance technologies for protect the system from outsiders.
I'm guessing the target markets of some DBMSs 2009
i. Oracle – Target market is middle-tier and top-tier (large) customers which use any kind of OS. High percentage of UNIX and Linux top-tier customers are using Oracle. Windows top-tier customers also use Oracle.
ii. Ms SQL Server – For any customers who uses windows
iii. Ms Office Access – For bottom-tier (small) customers who uses windows OS. Develop for basic use data management.
iv. MySQL – For any middle and top-tier customers of using any OS. But got high demand in open source OS users and also some demand from web developers (WAMP, LAMP).
v. PostgreSQL – For any middle and top-tier customers of using any OS. But got demand in open source OS users. Still not much familiar with other platform users rather than open source programmers.
vi. Caché – Target market of Caché is middle and top customers. Notable customers of this DBMS are many
vii. Objectivity/DB – For top-tier customers like government, security, complex manufacturing, commercial services, science, and engineering organizations.
About several object DBMSs
i. Caché – Caché is an object database management system which is developed by InterSystems Corporation. First release date is October 2008. The company claims this is the world’s fastest object database. It is also application development tool.
ii. Objectivity/DB – Objectivity/DB is a commercial object database management system produced by Objectivity, Inc. It allows applications to make standard C++, Java, Python or Smalltalk objects persistent. First release date is 1990. Generally used in data intensive or real-time applications that manipulate highly complex, inter-related data.
About several relational DBMSs
i. Oracle - Oracle is a top relational database management system which is developed by Oracle Corporation. It is written in C. First release date is November 1979. It also has object-relational features. PL/SQL, SQL languages are can use.
ii. Microsoft SQL Server - Ms SQL Server is a relational database management system which is developed by Microsoft Corporation. It is only supports Ms Windows’s operating systems. Its primary query languages are ANSI, SQL, and T-SQL. First release date is 1989.
iii. Microsoft Office Access - This is a member of the Ms Office suite of applications which is developed by Microsoft and is included in the Professional and higher versions for Windows and sold separately. It is a relational database management system. First release date is 1992.
iv. MySQL - MySQL is a relational database management system which is developed by
v. PostgreSQL - PostgreSQL is an object-relational database management system. It is controlled by a global community of developers and companies (PostgreSQL Global Development Group). It is written in C. First release date is June 1989.
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